Basic Steps On How To Become A Gestational Carrier
Have you been wondering how to become a gestational carrier in Florida? Then you’ve definitely come to the right place. We believe that the gift that a surrogate mother can provide for a couple or individual who cannot conceive on their own is a unique one — which means that only certain people have what it takes to serve in that role. Our job is to help you remember this time as one of the best experiences in your entire life.
If you are curious about how to become a gestational carrier, it’s important to understand exactly what your role will be. You become pregnant as a result of in vitro fertilization, or IVF. An embryo made from sperm (from the father or a donor) and an egg (from the mother or a donor) will be implanted inside your uterus after fertilization. The embryo transfer into your uterus goes quickly and painlessly.
How To Become A Gestational Carrier Guide
Our job as a gestational surrogate agency is to help you through each step of the process, beginning with your initial consultation with us and moving all the way through fertility to pregnancy — and then to delivery and beyond. Some agencies offer “open” programs in which you get to choose the couple and get to decide whether you will work with them or not, while others use “closed” programs in which surrogates and parents are matched by our staff. The compensation that you will receive for your time as a surrogate mother is generous but varies widely depending on past surrogate experience, the presence of multiple births, your willingness to pump breast milk and then some other logistical variables such as travel costs (if necessary), reimbursement for lost wages if you have to go on bed rest (as well as a stipend to pay housekeepers and child care for your kiddos).
So you may be wondering at this point how to become a gestational carrier. Here are some of the basic requirements:
- You have to be between the ages of 20 and 40.
- You have to be a U.S. citizen.
- You can’t be on any sort of state welfare or other financial aid.
- You have to have a reliable car and a valid driver’s license.
- If you’ve been pregnant before, the pregnancies must have gone without major complications.
- You must have a clear criminal background.
- You must have a stable living environment. This could include living with your parents, other relatives, a spouse, or even as part of a family of your own. The environment must be stable in order to minimize stress on the little one you’ll be carrying — as well as on you as the surrogate.
If these minimum requirements describe your situation, and you’re still interested in learning how to become a gestational carrier, you’re ready to move on to an interview phase and, potentially, to a medical evaluation. Reputable agencies arrange for thorough physical examinations of your uterus and cervix as well as a battery of blood tests to determine whether you make a solid medical candidate. The purpose of this is to ensure your safety throughout the entire surrogate process — as well as to maximize the likelihood of successful return on the investment of the baby’s parents. We don’t want to put any surrogate mother into medical danger by approving surrogate applications for people who have conditions that make embryonic attachment unlikely or who have had life-threatening situations happen in prior pregnancies. On the other hand, we want to deliver as many healthy babies as possible to our clients — the parents.
As part of the interview process, we will ask some more detailed questions about you. Other health-based questions are likely to come up, such as whether you smoke or use tobacco, drink alcohol, use recreational drugs or are on any long-term maintenance prescription medicines. An important part of learning how to become a gestational carrier is adopting healthy habits that make you a suitable candidate to carry a baby for his or her intended parents. We’ll ask for medical records that pertain to any of your prior pregnancies and may ask to see records pertaining to surgeries that you have had in the past. We also ask about family medical histories for such genetically transmitted conditions as cancer. We ask about your personal fitness habits as well.
If you want to learn more about how to become a gestational carrier, contact our staff to find out more information. We screen our applicants carefully to make sure they will be the right match for our client parents. However, the number of couples and individuals out there looking for a surrogate means that we are always looking for more strong candidates. We hope that this post has helped you better understand the different requirements on how to become a gestational carrier today.